Woolstenholme in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Woolstenholme
Joseph Woolstenholme
George Woolstenholme
William Woolstenholme
James Woolstenholme
Albert Woolstenholme
Brooke Woolstenholme
Edward Woolstenholme
Henry Woolstenholme
Thomas Woolstenholme
Walter Woolstenholme

Top female forenames

Mary Woolstenholme
Martha Woolstenholme
Alice Woolstenholme
Sarah Woolstenholme
Nancy Woolstenholme
Margaret Woolstenholme
Hannah Woolstenholme
Ellen Woolstenholme
Betsy Woolstenholme
Emma Woolstenholme
Fanny Woolstenholme
Frances Woolstenholme
Gertrude Woolstenholme
Elleanor Woolstenholme
Hellena Woolstenholme
Jane Woolstenholme
Louisa Woolstenholme
Elizabeth Woolstenholme
Eleanoria Woolstenholme
Ann Woolstenholme
Rebecca Woolstenholme
Ada Woolstenholme

Top occupations

Coal Miner
Piecer Cotton
Cotton Weaver
Gatekeeper N E Ry (Levelcross Pointsman)
Woollen Spinner
Weaver Cotton
Publicans Assistant (I S)
Millwright & Engineer
Late Hay & Straw Dealer
Labourer (Gen)
Laborer Iron Works
Apprentice To Mechanic
Domestic Servant
Cotton Reeler
Cotton Packer
Cotton Mill Reeler
Cotton Mill Hand
Cattle Drover