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There are approximately 114 people named Utton in the UK. That makes it the 17,689th most common surname overall. Out of every million people in the UK, approximately 2 are named Utton.

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The Utton surname in historical dictionaries

Patronymica Britannica (1860)

D UTTON. A very ancient Cheshire family surnamed from Dntton in tliat county, but of Norman descent, having sprung from Rollo, the conqueror of Neustria, through William, earl ofEu, who married a niece of Williain the Conqueror. Their founder in England was Odard, nephew of the far-famed Hugh Lupus, who gave him the barony of Dutton.

Lower, Mark A (1860) Patronymica Britannica: a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom. London: J.R. Smith. Public Domain.

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