Navin in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Navin
Patrick Navin
Thomas Navin
James Navin
William Navin
Michael Navin
Edward Navin
Hugh Navin
Joseph Navin
Robert Navin
George Navin
Henry Navin
Herbert Navin
Dennis Navin
David Navin
Bryan Navin
Pat Navin
Bernard Navin
Peter Navin
Stephen Navin
Austin Navin
Arthur Navin

Top female forenames

Mary Navin
Catherine Navin
Margaret Navin
Elizabeth Navin
Ann Navin
Bridget Navin
Ellen Navin
Annie Navin
Caroline Navin
Maria Navin
Emily Navin
Kate Navin
Sarah Navin
Margret Navin
Maggie Navin
John Navin
Jane Navin
Hannah Navin
Fever Navin
Esther Navin
Eliza Navin
Cath. Navin
Cat Navin
Bridgeret Navin
Anne Navin

Top occupations

Coal Miner
Pottery Worker
Cotton Operative
Farm Labourer
Cotton Weaver (C M)
Domestic Servant
Colour Mixer Print Works
General Labourer
Bricklayers Labourer
General Laborer
Railway Plate Layer
Piecer In Cotton Mill
Quarry Labourer
Pottery Labourer
Shipyard Labourer
Piecer Cotton Mill
Music Smith (Instruments)
Miner Coal
Licensed Lodging House Keeper
Letter Carrier (C S M)
Railway Porter
Servant (Unemployed)
Works At A Sewing Machine
Soldier 59th Foot
Spinner Cotton Factory
Spinner Cotton Mill (Throstle)
Stone Mason
Stone Quarry Man
Stripper Cotton Mill
Type Founder
Wife Of Laborer
Apprentice (Tailor)
File Grinder
Blacksmith Labourer
Brush Maker
Card Room Hand
Coker (Steel)
Cotton Card Hand
Cotton Carder
Cotton Mill Labr