Nankivell in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Nankivell
James Nankivell
William Nankivell
Samuel Nankivell
Richard Nankivell
Arthur Nankivell
Thomas Nankivell
Robert Nankivell
Charles Nankivell
Edwin Nankivell
Joseph Nankivell
Alfred Nankivell
Thos. Nankivell
Belvin Nankivell
Simeon Nankivell
Chas.Atkinson Nankivell
Chas.Benj. Nankivell
Luke Nankivell
Josiah Nankivell
Ernest Nankivell
Edward Nankivell
Jeremiah Nankivell
J.P. Nankivell
Henry Nankivell
George Nankivell
Frederick Nankivell
Fred Nankivell
Felix Nankivell

Top female forenames

Mary Nankivell
Elizabeth Nankivell
Emma Nankivell
Jane Nankivell
Bessie Nankivell
Sarah Nankivell
Ann Nankivell
Annie Nankivell
Emily Nankivell
Maria Nankivell
Hannah Nankivell
Levada Nankivell
Lilly Nankivell
Loretta Nankivell
Louisa Nankivell
Lucy Nankivell
Therastes Nankivell
Mahlah Nankivell
Sophia Nankivell
Martha Nankivell
Melinda Nankivell
Merwina Nankivell
Nancy Nankivell
Nelly Nankivell
Phoebe Nankivell
Eliz. Nankivell
Alice Nankivell
Alvina Nankivell
Anne Nankivell
Bessee Nankivell
Betsy Nankivell
Caroline Nankivell
Catherine Nankivell
Edith Nankivell
Jancy Nankivell
Eliza Nankivell
Elizth. Nankivell
Ellen Nankivell
Eth. Nankivell
Fanny Nankivell
Ada Nankivell
Helen Nankivell

Top occupations

Stone Mason
General Labourer
House Keeper
Farm Labourer
Employed At Pottery
Cotton Weaver
Carpenters Wife
MRCS RLSA General Practitioner
Groom (8)
Wife Of Quarry Man
Teacher Of Music
Iron Miner
Late Assistant Wardress
Lease Holder. (House)
M.A.Oxon Man Chaplan Of Crediton
Tallow Chandler
Ship Caulker
Stonemason Wife
No Profession
Stone Masons Wife
Farmer Son
Plain Needle Worker
Post Mistress
Shorthand Writer & Reporter
Quarry Man
Chaplans Son
Articled Law Clerk
Brickfield Labourer
Butcher (Journeyman)
Cab Proprietor
Cab Proprietors Wife
Cabinet Maker Joiner (Employing 1 Boy)
Cabinet Makers Son
Carpenter (Apprentice)
Carpenter (Formerly)
Carpenter Employing 1 Boy
Carpenters Daughter
Carpenters Widow
Chaplans Daur
General Servant