Matthewson in the 1881 census
Top Counties
Top Parishes
Top male forenames
John MatthewsonJames Matthewson
William Matthewson
Thomas Matthewson
Robert Matthewson
George Matthewson
Alexander Matthewson
Matthew Matthewson
Charles Matthewson
Isaac Matthewson
Albert Matthewson
Alfred Matthewson
Andrew Matthewson
Peter Matthewson
Walter Matthewson
Henry Matthewson
Alexdr. Matthewson
Ralph Matthewson
Richard Matthewson
Alexr. Matthewson
Simeon Matthewson
Simon Matthewson
Michael Matthewson
Thos. Matthewson
Tom Matthewson
Adam Matthewson
Willie Matthewson
Willm. Matthewson
Oswald Matthewson
Ernest Matthewson
Mather Matthewson
Lawrance Matthewson
Jos. Matthewson
Arthur Matthewson
David Matthewson
Harry Matthewson
Edward Matthewson
Geo. Matthewson
G.A. Matthewson
Frederick Matthewson
Francis Matthewson
Top female forenames
Mary MatthewsonMargaret Matthewson
Elizabeth Matthewson
Jane Matthewson
Ellen Matthewson
Isabella Matthewson
Sarah Matthewson
Agnes Matthewson
Ann Matthewson
Alice Matthewson
Louisa Matthewson
Ada Matthewson
Eliza Matthewson
Kate Matthewson
Jessie Matthewson
Susan Matthewson
Helen Matthewson
Harriet Matthewson
Emily Matthewson
Rose Matthewson
Elizth. Matthewson
Catherne Matthewson
Dorothy Matthewson
Lizzie Matthewson
Jeffrey Matthewson
Joan Matthewson
Johannah Matthewson
Catherine Matthewson
Caroline Matthewson
Cecilia Matthewson
Barbara Matthewson
Annie Matthewson
Anne Matthewson
Mildred Matthewson
Patience Matthewson
Phylis Matthewson
Amy Matthewson
Janet Matthewson
Charlotte Matthewson
Davina Matthewson
Henrietta Matthewson
Harriett Matthewson
Edith Matthewson
Hannah Matthewson
Georgina Matthewson
Francis Matthewson
Enid Matthewson
Emma Matthewson
Eleanora Matthewson
Emiley Matthewson
Top occupations
ScholarFarm Servant (Ag Lab)
Ag Lab
Farmers Daur
General Labourer
Gardener (Dom)
Farmers Wife
Engine Fitter
Domestic Servant
Lodging House Proprietor
Furniture Shopkeeper
Gardener Wife
Gardner (Dom)
Gen Serv (Dom)
Gen Serv Domestic
General Serv Domestic
General Servant
General Servant Domestic
Gun Action Filer
Housekeeper (Dom)
Inn Keeper
Iron Moulder At Foundry
Jobbing Maker
Joiner Unemployed
Jute & Tea Broker
Labourer Bricklayer
Prison Warder
Woollen Draper (Master Emp 5 Men & 2 Boys)
Wife Of Above
Telegraph Clerk (CS) (Tel Serv)
Servant Housemaid
Servant Domestic
Seamans Wife
Retired Coal Fitter
Pupil Teacher
Private 68th Regt
Lodginghouse Keeper