Joule in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Joule
William Joule
James Joule
Joseph Joule
Stephen Joule
George Joule
Benjamin Joule
Robert Joule
Walter Joule
Charles Joule
Edward Joule
Henry Joule
Thomas Joule
Samuel Joule
Herbert Joule
Frederick Joule
Elias Joule
Arthur Joule
Ralph Joule
Richard Joule
Peter Joule
Wm.B. Joule
Vincent Joule
W.Henry Joule
Miles Joule
Albert Joule
Jessie Joule
Jas. Joule
Fredrick Joule
Frederic Joule
Fred Joule
Frank Joule
Francies Joule
Ernest Joule
Enoch Joule
Ellis Joule
David Joule
Bertram Joule
Benj.Arthur Joule
Alfred Joule

Top female forenames

Mary Joule
Sarah Joule
Elizabeth Joule
Ann Joule
Hannah Joule
Alice Joule
Jane Joule
Margaret Joule
Emma Joule
Harriet Joule
Ellen Joule
Anne Joule
Annie Joule
Eliza Joule
Julia Joule
Ada Joule
Emily Joule
Nancy Joule
Eleanor Joule
Sophia Joule
Clara Joule
Caroline Joule
Martha Joule
Levina Joule
Jenny Joule
Susan Joule
Nellie Joule
Ethel Joule
Kate Joule
Laura Joule
Lilian Joule
Louisa Joule
Matilda Joule
Edith Joule
Adelaide Joule
Amelia Joule
Amy Joule
Bertha Joule
Betsy Joule
Blanche Joule
Bridget Joule
Catharine Joule
Hortense Joule
Elizth. Joule
Elizth.C.A. Joule
Esther Joule
Florence Joule
Frances Joule
Harriett Joule
Harriette Joule

Top occupations

General Labourer
Cotton Winder
General Servant
Farmer Of 90 Acres
Farmer Of 200 Acres Employing 4 Sons & 2 Labourers Son
Cotton Weaver
Scholar Daur Of Head
Mill Hand
Cotton Reeler
Assistant Provision Trade
Retired Merchants Wife
Iron Moulder
Ironmongers Assistant
J P County Land Owner Lancaster
Labourer General
Master Draper
Mechanic (Undey)
Medical Practioner
(Cotton) Card Room Hand
Wine & Spirit Merct Employ 2 Men
Music Professor
No Occupatn
No Occupn
Oatmeal Baker
Overlooker At Cotton Mill
Overlooker In Cotton Spinning Mill
Physicist D C L, L L D
Wife Of Merchant
Pork Butcher
Porter General
Reeler At Cotton Mill
Wife Of Commercial Traveller
Shopman Drapery
W & Spt Merchant
Silk Broker
Silk Finisher Maker Up
Spirit Merchants Wife
Stonemasons Labr
Teacher Of Laid School
Warehouseman Millinery