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There are approximately 211 people named Helme in the UK. That makes it the 14,643rd most common surname overall. Out of every million people in the UK, approximately 3 are named Helme.

Region of origin


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Religion of origin




Related and similar surnames


The Helme surname in historical dictionaries

Patronymica Britannica (1860)

HELM. HELME. Teutonic, a helmet ; a name borrowed from military associations. " Helm as a termination entered into a gi-eat number of regular Anglo-Saxon names, such as Eadhelra, Brighthelm, Alfhelm, &c. Wilhelm (William) is an earlier name, occurring in the genealogy of the East- Anglian kings from Woden." — Ferguson.

Lower, Mark A (1860) Patronymica Britannica: a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom. London: J.R. Smith. Public Domain.

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