Lower, Mark A (1860) Patronymica Britannica: a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom. London: J.R. Smith. Public Domain.
There are approximately 114 people named Hardinge in the UK. That makes it the 17,410th most common surname overall. Out of every million people in the UK, approximately 2 are named Hardinge.
Region of origin
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Related and similar surnames
HardingThe Hardinge surname in historical dictionaries
Patronymica Britannica (1860)
HARDIXG. HARDINGE. "The Hardings — in A-Sax. Heardingas, iu Old Norse Haddingjar — wei'e celebrated as an illustrious and heroic race. Grimm supposes them to have been an Eastlying people of the Danes and Swedes. (Deutsch Myth.)" Ferguson. The late Lord Hardinge claimed to be descended from a Danish family settled near Derby. I'he Domesday forms are Harding, Hardingus, Hardinc and Filius Harding. The soft sound given to the G, ■when the E final is employed, seems to be a modern affectation, quite unworthy of this sturdy old racb.