Edghill in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

James Edghill
John Edghill
Ernest Edghill
Henry Edghill
George Edghill
William Edghill
Jonathan Edghill
Wm.R. Edghill
Wm. Edghill
W.T. Edghill
Samuel Edghill
Robert Edghill
Reginald Edghill
Nathaniel Edghill
Josiah Edghill
Joseph Edghill
Aubrey Edghill
J.N. Edghill
J. Edghill
H.R. Edghill
Frank Edghill
Auther Edghill

Top female forenames

Annie Edghill
Mary Edghill
Eliza Edghill
Elizabeth Edghill
M.A. Edghill
Agnes Edghill
Martha Edghill
Matilda Edghill
Ellen Edghill
Sarah Edghill
Jane Edghill
Pleasance Edghill
Rosa Edghill
Minnie Edghill
Rosina Edghill
Selina Edghill
Sophia Edghill
Mahala Edghill
Violet Edghill
Lucy Edghill
Lizzie Edghill
Kate Edghill
Isabella Edghill
Henry Edghill
Frances Edghill
Emma Edghill
Elizth. Edghill
Edith Edghill
Charlotte Edghill
Catherine Edghill
Bertha Edghill
Ann Edghill
Alice Edghill

Top occupations

Assistant In Shop
General Laborer
Silk Weaver (Mfr)
Sail Maker
Retired Confectioner
Monthly Nurse
Milk Dealer
Stoker In Royal S.A. Factory
Leading Stoker R N
Apprentice (Iron Moulding)
Invalid Nurse (Submed)
General Servant
Trouser Maker (Tailor)
General Labourer
Foreman Brass Worker
Farmer Of 100 Acres Employg 2 Labs
Domestic Waitress
Clerk To Wine Merchant
Clerk Shiping Agent
Chaplain H M Forces (Of England) (Army)
Carpenter Bells Capside Factory
Butcher & Farmer Of 50 Acres Employing 3 Men & 1 Boy
Bricklayers Laborer
Boot Manufacturer (Master)
Barge Builder