Duthoit in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Duthoit
James Duthoit
William Duthoit
Edward Duthoit
Charles Duthoit
David Duthoit
Wm.H. Duthoit
Alfred Duthoit
Walter Duthoit
Thomas Duthoit
Spencer Duthoit
Peter Duthoit
Joseph Duthoit
Herbert Duthoit
Harry Duthoit
Frederick Duthoit
Frank Duthoit
Edw. Duthoit
Cyril Duthoit

Top female forenames

Mary Duthoit
Emma Duthoit
Lucy Duthoit
Jane Duthoit
Sarah Duthoit
Ada Duthoit
Rebecca Duthoit
Matlida Duthoit
Maria Duthoit
Louise Duthoit
Julia Duthoit
Judeth Duthoit
Jemima Duthoit
Isabella Duthoit
Hannah Duthoit
Florence Duthoit
Emily Duthoit
Charlotte Duthoit
Annie Duthoit
Anne Duthoit
Adelaide Duthoit

Top occupations

Domestic Servant
Housekeeper (Dom)
Silk Weaver
School Teacher
Watchmakers Apprentice
Retired Bank Of England Clerk
Model Makers (S.Mach) Apprentice (Eng & Mac Maker)
Master Boot Manufr Employs 21 M 14 Females
Machine Smith
Wool Comb Maker (Weav Mach)
Imperial Cloth Weaver
Foreman At Tool Works
((Iron Machinist))(Machine Smith)
Commercial Traveller
Commercial Clerk Unemployed
Coal Miner Part Work
Cloth Weaver
Butcher Employing 2 Men
Butcher (Master)
Boot Finisher
Boot Clicker
Belt Sewer In Factory
(Machine Smith) Wife