Doar in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

William Doar
John Doar
Richard Doar
James Doar
Thomas Doar
Samuel Doar
Geo.R. Doar
George Doar
Harold Doar
Harry Doar
Henry Doar Doar
Jno.Saml. Doar
Fred.Wm. Doar
Joseph Doar
Luke Doar
Mary Doar
Ralph Doar
Edward Doar
Arthur Doar
Abraham Doar

Top female forenames

Mary Doar
Sarah Doar
Annie Doar
Elizabeth Doar
Eliza Doar
Louisa Doar
Hannah Doar
Fanny Doar
Ellen Doar
Matilda Doar
Ann Doar
Ruth Doar
Martha Doar
Sophia Doar
Phebe Doar
Maria Doar
Margaret Doar
Mabel Doar
Lydia Doar
Ada Doar
Lucy Doar
Jane Doar
Harriet Doar
Ethel Doar
Emma Doar
Edith Doar
Charlotte Doar
Catherine Doar
Anna Doar
Amy Doar
Alice Doar
Adela Doar

Top occupations

Lab Iron Wks
F Labr?
Lace Maker
Lace Drawer
Factory Hand
Factory Hand Starch (Manuf Ch)
Farmers Wife
House Keeper
Joiner & Builder
Labourer In Iron Work
Lace Finisher
lace Hand
Lace Mender
Needle Puncher
Railway Eng Stoker
Railway Labourer
Retired Farmer
Clipper & Scoloper (Lace)
Coal Miner
Commercial Clerk (Coal & Iron)
Cook Domestic
Dom Serv
Engine Driver
Errand Girl
Farm Lab
Hosiery (Manuf)
Farmer 300 Acres
Farmer Of 31 Acres Employing Son And Boy
Farmer Of 40 Acres Employing 2 Servants
Farmers Son
Gen Serv Unemployed
General Lab
Grocer Wife