Chiverall in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

Alfred Chiverall
George Chiverall
William Chiverall
James Chiverall
John Chiverall
Caleb Chiverall
Charles Chiverall
Elias Chiverall
Francis Chiverall
Franky Chiverall
Frederick Chiverall
Joseph Chiverall
Leonard Chiverall
Luke Chiverall

Top female forenames

Harriet Chiverall
Charlotte Chiverall
Emily Chiverall
Elizabeth Chiverall
Sarah Chiverall
Margaret Chiverall
Louisa Chiverall
Florence Chiverall
Fanny Chiverall
Emma Chiverall
Ada Chiverall
Caroline Chiverall
Annie Chiverall
Anna Chiverall
Ann Chiverall
Amy Chiverall
Agnes Chiverall

Top occupations

Maker Of Artificial Marble (Cement Manuf Plaster)
Weaver (Silk)
Tin Man
Superanuated Domestic Servant
Silk Weaver
Pupil Teacher
Paste Fitter (Shoe)
Paper Bag Maker
(Cotton) Warehouseman
Lime Burner
Iron Founder
Genl Labourer
General Servant Dom
General Lab
Gen Lab
Domestic Servant
Artificial Marble Maker (Others 21/3 Scagliola)
(Iron) Coremaker