Archdale in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Archdale
George Archdale
Thomas Archdale
William Archdale
Charles Archdale
James Archdale
Joseph Archdale
Frederick Archdale
Alfred Archdale
Cephus Archdale
Wilfred Archdale
Walton Archdale
Walter Archdale
Audley Archdale
Thedore Archdale
Squire Archdale
Samuel Archdale
Saml. Archdale
Ruben Archdale
Robert Archdale
Mervyn Archdale
Louis Archdale
Benjamin Archdale
Isaac Archdale
Herbert Archdale
Harry Archdale
H. Archdale
Cephas Archdale
Frank Archdale

Top female forenames

Mary Archdale
Sarah Archdale
Martha Archdale
Hannah Archdale
Harriet Archdale
Emilia Archdale
Ellen Archdale
Elizabeth Archdale
Eliza Archdale
Clara Archdale
Helen Archdale
Emma Archdale
Faith Archdale
Alice Archdale
Gertrude Archdale
Winifred Archdale
Frances Archdale
Jane Archdale
Louisa Archdale
Margeret Archdale
Minnie Archdale
Sybilla Archdale
Ada Archdale
Florence Archdale
Fanny Archdale
Esther Archdale
Emily Archdale
Charlotte Archdale
Celia Archdale
Catharine Archdale
Beatrice Archdale
Annie Archdale
Ann Archdale
Amy Archdale
Ammabel Archdale
Amelia Archdale
Adelaide Archdale

Top occupations

Coal Miner
Butchers Knife Hafter
Silver Burnisher
Forgeman (Iron)
General Serv (Domestic)
J P Captain 1/2 Pay Royal (Artillary)
Late Capn HM 85th Regt
Lieutenant 23rd R W Fus
M P Landed Proprietor (Legis)
Magistrate Banker Etc
Mill Girl (Fac Hd)
Office Clerk
Puddler (Iron)
Servant Domestic
Shoemakers Labourer
Spring Knife Cutler
Tar Distiller (M C H)
Tar Distillers Clerk
Wife Gentleman
Domestic Servant (At Home)
Bankers Clerk
Butchers Knife Cutler
Chemical Manager
Clergyman Of The Church Of England
Coal Miner Wife
Currier Apprentice
Cutler (Butcher Knife)
Domestic Servant
Genl Servt (Dom)
Engineers Tool Maker
Fitters Apprentice (Engine)
Forgeman Wife
Formerly Coal Miner
Formerly Mechanic
Ag Lab