The Total column shows the total number of people in that county or town with this surname.
For example, there were 205 people called RUTLAND in Elmley at the time of the 1881 census.
The Frequency column shows the percentage of people in this county or town
with this surname. For example, a frequency of 1290.3226 in Elmley means that
1290.3226% of the people in Elmley on census day were called RUTLAND.
The Index column shows the relative probability of finding someone called RUTLAND
in this county or town, compared with the probability of finding them anywhere in Britain as a whole.
An index of 1 means that if you pick someone at random from this county or town, you have exactly the same
probability of picking someone called RUTLAND as if you picked at random from the whole of the UK.
Where the index is higher than 1, then you are more likely to find someone called RUTLAND here
than if you picked from the UK as a whole, and where it's lower then you are less likely. The actual figure
shows the level of probability - for example, a figure of 2 would indicate that you are twice as likely to find
someone called RUTLAND here than in the UK as a whole, and 10 would make it ten times as likely.
The value of 0.21 in Elmley means that you are 0.21 times as likely to find
someone with the surname of RUTLAND in Elmley than you would be in the whole of the UK.