Beardwell in the 1881 census
Top Counties
Top Parishes
Top male forenames
John BeardwellGeorge Beardwell
Charles Beardwell
Thomas Beardwell
James Beardwell
Arthur Beardwell
Walter Beardwell
Samuel Beardwell
Alfred Beardwell
Henry Beardwell
Frederick Beardwell
Geo. Beardwell
William Beardwell
Albert Beardwell
Robert Beardwell
Joseph Beardwell
Wm.Hy. Beardwell
Wm.Henry Beardwell
Wm. Beardwell
Urban Beardwell
Chas. Beardwell
David Beardwell
Reuben Beardwell
R. Beardwell
Nathan Beardwell
Josiah Beardwell
Joshua Beardwell
Ebenezer Beardwell
Jeremiah Beardwell
Edward Beardwell
Isaac Beardwell
Hunter Beardwell
Francis Beardwell
Henery Beardwell
Harry Beardwell
Frederic Beardwell
Top female forenames
Elizabeth BeardwellSarah Beardwell
Mary Beardwell
Ann Beardwell
Jane Beardwell
Emma Beardwell
Ellen Beardwell
Alice Beardwell
Florence Beardwell
Maria Beardwell
Lucy Beardwell
Ada Beardwell
Hannah Beardwell
Esther Beardwell
Eleanor Beardwell
Susan Beardwell
Eliza Beardwell
Sophia Beardwell
Lavinia Beardwell
Martha Beardwell
Venessa Beardwell
Susannah Beardwell
Maude Beardwell
Minie Beardwell
Minney Beardwell
Nelly Beardwell
Selina Beardwell
S.A. Beardwell
Rebecca Beardwell
Ruth Beardwell
Rosetta Beardwell
Rhoda Beardwell
Edith Beardwell
Agnes Beardwell
Allen Beardwell
Annette Beardwell
Annie Beardwell
Beatrice Beardwell
Catherine Beardwell
Charlotte Beardwell
Clara Beardwell
Margt. Beardwell
Eliz. Beardwell
Fanny Beardwell
Harrt. Beardwell
Kate Beardwell
Lilly Beardwell
Louisa Beardwell
Mable Beardwell
Margaret Beardwell
Top occupations
ScholarAg Lab
Baker Assistant
General Labourer
Gardener Domestic Servt
Assistant Dressmaker
Master Stone Mason Employ 8 Men
Able Seaman
General Serv
General Serv (Unemployed)
Grocers Warehouseman
Hatcase Maker Lyds
House Carpenter
Ironmongers Porter
Vicar Of All Saints
Labourers Son
Late Gardener
Licensed Victualler
Stone Quarryman
Meat Salesman
Office Boy
Pianoforte Tuner
Private R M
Professor Of Music
Pupil Teacher (Schoolmaster)
Royal Marine
Traveller For Foundry
Shopman Cheesemonger
Solicitors Clerk
Stay Maker
Builder (Master)
Agr Lab
Agricultural Labourer
Agricultural Labr
Apprentice Whitesmith
Assistant (Bakers)
Baker (Master)
Bakers Assistant
Beer Retailer
Boot Fitter
Boot Maker