Roby in the 1881 census

Top Counties

Top Parishes

Top male forenames

John Roby
James Roby
William Roby
Thomas Roby
George Roby
Henry Roby
Richard Roby
Robert Roby
Joseph Roby
Alfred Roby
Samuel Roby
Albert Roby
Michael Roby
Charles Roby
Edward Roby
Harry Roby
Frank Roby
Roger Roby
Herbert Roby
Nehemiah Roby
Joshua Roby
Jno. Roby
Frederic Roby
Nathan Roby
Ernest Roby
Thos. Roby
Wm. Roby
Caleb Roby
Simon Roby
Nathanel Roby
Moses Roby
Aaron Roby
Noel Roby
Oswald Roby
Lawrence Roby
Paul Roby
Peter Roby
Jeffrey Roby
Jeffery Roby
Albt. Roby
Harold Roby
Allan Roby
Fredrick Roby
Frederick Roby
Fred Roby
Andrew Roby
Francis Roby
Ellen Roby
David Roby
Chas. Roby

Top female forenames

Mary Roby
Elizabeth Roby
Ellen Roby
Alice Roby
Jane Roby
Sarah Roby
Ann Roby
Margaret Roby
Eliza Roby
Annie Roby
Emma Roby
Hannah Roby
Catherine Roby
Martha Roby
Susan Roby
Esther Roby
Rachel Roby
Anne Roby
Louisa Roby
Maria Roby
Emily Roby
Kate Roby
Agnes Roby
Amelia Roby
Charlotte Roby
Ada Roby
Laura Roby
Josephine Roby
Helen Roby
Harriet Roby
Susanna Roby
Fanny Roby
Flora Roby
Betsy Roby
Dorothy Roby
Lydia Roby
Lucy Roby
Zenith Roby
Lilly Roby
Caroline Roby
Betsey Roby
Emmanda Roby
Josanna Roby
Johnna Roby
(Mrs) Roby
Helena Roby
Ethel Roby
Eva Roby
Bessie Roby
Gertrude Roby

Top occupations

Coal Miner
Cotton Weaver
Ag Lab
Farmers Son
General Servant
Drawer In Coal Miner
Domestic Servant
Nail Maker
General Servant (Domestic)
Pony Driver In Coal Pit
Reeler In Cotton Mill
Factory Operative (Cotton)
Cotton Operative
Cotton Factory Operative
No Occupation
Needle Woman
Field Work (Ag Lab)
Coal Miner Wife
Coal Mine Laborer
Coal Drawer
General Serv
Keeper Of Ladies School (Serv)
Weaver (Cotton)
Assistant Teacher
Bolt Maker
Lodging House Keeper
Assistant School Teacher
Braid Makers (Trim)
Weaver In Cotton Mill
Brass Founder
General Serv Domestic
General Labourer
Brush Maker
Throstle Spinner In Cotton Mill
Poney Driver In Coal Mine
Jobber in Cotton Mill
Nurse Maid
Plough Boy